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There’s a certain romantic notion to being young, wild, and free. There was even a Snoop Dogg song about it a while back, and he was definitely already old at the time. We’re human beings damn it, we are MEN, and we want to conquer the world on our own terms! Answer to nobody, bow to no fellow man, and generally just rip shit up and have a good time. Who wouldn’t want to do that, right?

Sadly though, we live in a society, and we can’t just go around doing whatever we want all the time. It would be chaos! And frankly, it wouldn’t be that fun. And since you're reading this on a beard care website, you may have guessed- yes, this applies to your beard as well. If you just let that thing run wild on you, you’re gonna have a bad time.

“How so?” you ask, your inner caveman already getting aggravated at the idea of maintaining a well-groomed beard. Well for starters, how about beard dandruff? If you’re not taming a wild and unruly beard, those pesky white flakes are sure to show up eventually. And with them- itching, redness, dry brittle misery. 

And what about the aesthetics of an untamed beard? Hairs sticking out in every direction, looking like you just wandered out of the woods eating twigs and berries for three months. Your one buddy may think that’s rad, but good luck convincing any member of the fairer sex that it’s a good look. An alpha male beard has been used to attract partners for thousands of years, but we’ve also evolved in that time- competition is fierce, and just any old raggedy beard isn’t going to cut it.

So what’s an evolved, bearded, free-at-heart-but-still-trying-to-look-good fella like yourself to do? Let’s break down a few quick and easy tips for taming a wild beard:

Wash, condition, repeat

This is step one toward maintaining the burly beard of your dreams. And it couldn’t be easier. You already wash the rest of your body in the shower right? (God, we hope so). So give your facial hair the same respect and work a beard shampoo and conditioner into your routine. Everyday or every other day- find what works for you. Just make sure it’s specifically formulated for your beard- shampoos and conditioners for the hair on top of your head can be way too harsh for facial hair. This wash and conditioner combo pack is a great place to start.

Strike oil!

Now that you’re washed and fresh out of the shower, your beard should be feeling softer and much more manageable. Maintain the magic with a solid dose of beard oil. This will lock in the moisture and keep things soft, smooth, and healthy as hell. You definitely want to use this every day- multiple times if you find things drying out on you. 

Protect ya neck… and cheeks, and chin, and the rest of your beard

It’s a cruel world out there. At the very least you can protect yourself from the elements with some beard balm. Cold, dry air doesn’t stand a chance against beard hairs protected with 100% natural ingredients like shea butter, beeswax, and a myriad of hydrating oils. As a bonus, it provides a bit of hold for your beard and stache- so you’re well on your way to taming the beast at this point.

Crank up the heat

You’ve made it this far, so we know you’re committed to the cause. We respect that. So it’s time to reward you with the number one, can’t-miss, absolute BEST way to train a wild beard: the legendary heat straightener. Basically, the greatest life hack for looking sexy you’ll ever come across. Using a heat straightener does so much more than just straighten your beard- it makes it softer, fuller, and healthier than ever. All in under two minutes. Which means that in about the same time it takes to brush your teeth, you can go from caveman to “goddamn, you’re looking good man!” Evolve to your final form with an Aberlite Pro Beard Straightener now.

Bonus: trim the beast

Look, if you’ve followed all the steps above, you’re going to be in pretty great shape, beard-wise. But we can always strive for perfection, right? So make sure your newly tamed beard is in tip-top shape, literally, with a high quality trimmer. Flyaway hairs happen all the time, snip them out with the Aberlite Trim’s precision blades. Or shape your stache and burns to perfection. Or even take it all down to picture-perfect stubble with one of four different length attachments. Now that you’re fully in control of your wild beard, the possibilities are endless!

So there you have it. You’ve conquered your beard. Now go conquer the damn world.

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